Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Every day that I see Barack Obama the more I see a candidate who gets it. He had this to say about the Republican's notion of an "ownership" society ...

"They call it the ownership society – but what it means is you’re on your own. You’re a worker who’s been laid off from a job? Tough luck, you’re on your own. You’re a single mom trying to find health care for your kids? Tough luck, you’re on your own. You’re a senior whose pension got dumped after a lifetime of hard work? Tough luck, you’re on your own ..."

But what's especially nice to see is that Obama is willing to stand up for the working class in general, and labor unions in specific.

"It’s not just that this administration hasn’t been fighting for you; they’ve actually tried to stop you from fighting for yourselves. This is the most anti-labor administration in our memory. They don’t believe in unions. They don’t believe in organizing. They’ve packed the labor relations board with their corporate buddies. Well, we’ve got news for them – it’s not the Department of Management, it’s the Department of Labor, and we’re here to take it back ..."
As a fighter for America's middle class, and the only candidate who opposed President Bush's Blundering Wars Project from the beginning, we can add one more prefix-laced noun to Obama's credentials: He's also "pro-American."

- Mark

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