Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The Justice Department's inspector general and its internal ethics office issued two reports. They found half-dozen officials at the Justice Department systematically rejected candidates with perceived “liberal” backgrounds for what were supposed to be non-political jobs, while seeking out conservative Republicans.

While no names were noted in today's NY Times article, two of the perpetrators were Kyle Sampson and Monica Goodling. Sampson is a "devout Mormon" who graduated from Brigham Young University, while Goodling graduated from the Christian fundamentalist madrassa Regent University Law School (founded by Pat Robertson).

Both Sampson and Goodling believe religion comes first and that their responsibilities as citizens of the U.S. is a secondary concern. This mind-set forms the heart of the Dominionist movement in America, which argues that the Kingdom of God will be established here on earth through political and even military means. While most mainstream (and sane) Christians reject this approach, others like Monica Goodling embrace it. Worse, they believe they can do no wrong because they are doing "God's work."

Apparently Attorney General Michael Mukasey agrees.

Specifically, Mukasey claimed that "not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime” (a position that, no doubt, should make the illegal immigration crowd happy). In this case because the hiring violations only broke "federal service law" and not "criminal law" the actions of Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson and others did not rise to the level of a crime. Huh? And it gets worse ...

According to Mukasey, because those who violated "federal and civil service law" have already suffered "substantial negative publicity" his office will not act on the inspector general’s report.

When one's faith can trump the law we're all in trouble. Anything - and I mean anything - can be justified ... including flying a couple of planes into buildings.

- Mark

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